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Anastrozole – 50 tb/1 mg – Nouveaux – exp. 2028 (shipped from Spain)

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For the anabolic steroid user, the effects of Arimidex are greatly appreciated in its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to promote estrogenic side effects due to the testosterone hormone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As aromatization occurs, estrogen levels rise and this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. When excess water retention becomes severe, this can also promote high blood pressure. Not all anabolic steroids aromatize, and as such, not all can lead to estrogenic related effects. However, many common steroids do carry the ability to promote estrogenic activity including Dianabol, all forms of Nandrolone and Boldenone to a degree and of course, all forms of testosterone heavily.


For the anabolic steroid user, Arimidex doses can vary with 0.5-1mg every other day being the most common. Very few should ever need more than 1mg every other day and many will be more than fine with half that amount. In therapeutic plans such as low testosterone treatment even less may be needed. We can, however, make an exception in Arimidex doses for competitive bodybuilders. Competitive bodybuilders may find a full 1mg every day the last 10-14 days leading up to competition to be useful. This will greatly aid in hardening, but it will be draining to say the least. Of course, at this stage of a competition diet most have very little energy to begin with anyway.

How to use:

As an aromatase inhibitor, Arimidex’s mechanism of action — blocking conversion of aromatizable steroids to estrogen — is in contrast to the mechanism of action of anti-estrogens such as clomiphene (Clomid) or tamoxifen (Nolvadex), which block estrogen receptors in some tissues, and activate estrogen receptors in others. During a cycle, if using Arimidex, there is generally no need to use Clomid as well, but (as mentioned in the section on Clomid) there may still be benefits to doing so.