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Primobolan – 100 mg/ml/10 ml – Nouveaux – exp. 2028 (shipped from Spain)


10 in stock

Boxes Discounted price per box
2 85.50
3 82.80
4 81.00
5 79.20
6 77.40
7 75.60
8 73.80
9 72.00
10 70.20


Primobolan Depot is an extremely effective steroid that’s earned its respect as the safest injectable steroid. It’s the only steroid that will yield solid gains even on a low calorie diet. It’s also the only steroid that will build solid muscle slowly with minimal to no side effects… No acne, no aggression, no water bloat, no loss of sex drive, and its the only steroid that will not shut down HPTA (you want to have kids one day right?). I honestly can’t think of another steroid that compares to primobolan!


The typical “safe” dosage for men is 100-200mg per week, a level that should produce at least some noticeable muscle growth. In European medicine it is not uncommon for Primobolan to be used safely at such a dosage for extended periods of time. Among athletes, men may respond to weekly doses of 200mg but regular users will often inject much higher doses looking for a stronger anabolic effect. It is not uncommon for a bodybuilder to take as much as 600 or 800mg per week (6 to 8 100mg ampules), a range which appears to be actually quite productive. Of course androgenic side effects may become more pronounced with such an amount, but in most instances it should still be quite tolerable.

How to use:

Primo is often used in a stack. It is popular for male bodybuilders to stack Primobolan with other steroids in order to obtain a faster and more enhanced effect. Methenolone (Primo) is also one of the rare steroids that works on a reduced calorie diet. This makes Primobolan depot an ideal part of every cutting stack. For dieting (pre contest preparation) Methenolone works best in stack with T3, Clen, Proviron, Deca, and/or Test. During a dieting or cutting phase, a non-aromatizing androgen like Halotestin or trenbolone can be added. The strong androgenic component should help to bring about an added density and hardness to the muscles. On the other hand (or in addition) we could add Winstrol or Anavar, another mild anabolic steroid. The result of this combination should again be a notable increase of muscle mass and hardness, but in this case the gain should not be accompanied by increased side effects. And as mentioned earlier, Primobolan Depot is also used effectively during bulking phases of training. The addition of testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol prove quite effective for adding new muscle mass. Of course when stacked with those three, we would have to deal with estrogenic side effects, but in such cases Primobolan should allow the user to take a much lower dosage of the more “toxic” drugs and still receive acceptable results.