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Halotestin – 50 tb/10 mg – Nouveaux – exp. 2028 (shipped from Spain)

Original price was: €90.00.Current price is: €85.00.

6 in stock

Boxes Discounted price per box
2 80.75
3 78.20
4 76.50
5 74.80
6 73.10
7 71.40
8 69.70
9 68.00
10 66.30


When it comes to pure, raw steroidal power, there is nothing on this earth quite like Halotestin; without a doubt, when it comes to increasing strength, Halotestin is the answer. A testosterone derived anabolic steroid, while structurally similar to testosterone it acts in a manner that is more Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) like; however, there’s no DHT based steroid that can compare. An anabolic steroid that can almost be labeled as insanely powerful, Halo as it’s commonly known won’t really do anything in-regards to promoting mass; in-fact, it really won’t do anything at all. Even so, when it comes to strength there is no anabolic steroid on earth that can promote such a dramatic increase in strength at such a rapid rate; there’s really nothing magical about anabolic steroids, but when it comes to this steroid’s strength increasing abilities “magical” is almost the best way to describe it.


If separate Halotestin Doses can be provided for the three separate tiers of users, it could be properly described as follows: Beginner Halotestin users would find a satisfying Halotestin dose in the range of 10 – 20mg daily, providing some solid increases in drive, aggression, and strength. Intermediate users will find greater strength and drive increases in Halotestin doses upwards of 20 – 30mg per day. Finally, advanced users will usually hold a level of experience to the point where they can venture up to 30 – 40mg daily, although this should be done with the utmost caution. The uppermost ranges of Halotestin doses are considered on the edge of unnecessarily high and potentially dangerous doses where hepatotoxicity is concerned. The other issue here is that as previously stated, Halotestin is such a unique compound with unique purposes and characteristics that any tier of user, be it beginner, intermediate, or advanced, would be able to achieve desired strength gains and effects from even the lower ranges of 10 – 20mg daily. Once again, this is because Halotestin is often utilized for its purpose in its advantageous androgenic effects in enhancing competitive drive and aggression, as well as strength gains without the addition of large amounts of mass.

How to use:

Halotestin cycles are also limited in their use by the fact that Halotestin can only be utilized for a matter of a handful of weeks (6 – 8 weeks, and often less). The mass and weight gain from Halotestin itself is moderate enough that it will actually not manifest until approximately 3 – 4 weeks into use, which in contrast with the majority of other oral anabolic steroids is quite a long time. This is another reason why Halotestin should not be regarded as a preferable mass-gaining compound.